Building Relationships for Good



where creativity
meets impact

Our team of creatives covers every aspect of media production and branding, dedicated to one mission in mind; tell impactful stories that drive meaningful action from audiences and donors. From live-action filming, post production, branding, motion graphics and animation, our team is ready to strategize and build upon your organization’s success. Our slate of media services and experience in both nonprofit fundraising and media production makes Fine Point the ideal partner for any nonprofit or Government agency seeking to inspire action, foster support, and strengthen bonds within their communities.


Cure CMD 2022 Rebrand

Cure CMD Organization One-Pager

Cure CMD Organization One-Pager | Graphic Design, Illustration

Voice In Sports™ Rest Days Series | Cinematography & Video Editing

SATO Project 10 Year Infographic 2021| Graphic Design, Copywriting

Cure CMD Presents KSSK CMD Chats - Design, Animation, Recording, Editing